III. MARTIN TO MARION: At long last this story is becoming available. I say "becoming" because by the time this issue of TVia reaches you Parts I and II will have been printed, but Part III may still be in the works. However, it is planned to have it out in December. Originally this story was submitted in longhand and I made a guess as to its probable length and price when I earlier suggested that it would be in two parts at $3 each. However, when it was all typed two things were apparent, a) that it did not divide sensibly into just two parts, that is there was no place around the middle of the story where you could reasonably stop and start again. There were, however, two points where this could be done easily thus dividing it into three parts, and b) If it had been done in two parts it would have had to be more expensive for each part. So the decision was made to do it in three parts at $3 each. It is a good story and I think you will enjoy it.

IV. NEW LONG NOVEL: I had originally mentioned this several issues ago and a number of you sent in $5 for it. But due to the length of the Martin to Marion story plus the financial problems of printing three issues of TVia so close together to catch up it isn't going to be possible to get the Novel out till after the first of the year. Therefore, those of you who sent in for the novel have had your money credited to the Martin to Marion story so that you would have something for it. You will have received a slip with Part I of that story explaining the arrangement. I just don't feel right about holding your money too long without giving you something for it and that money had been held for several months already. However, advance payments do help very much in the accumulation of the capital necessary to print these things, so any of you who want to start over again toward the longer $5 story now will be much welcomed. The financial problem with Chevalier is that it is now my only source of income and my monthly expenses have to come from it. While it earns enough to keep things together (it did not pay for my Pacific or European trips incidentally, these came from invested principal) and to pay expenses, it does NOT earn enough to accumulate working capital and as I have to pay the printer COD I have to have the money before I can earn the money if you see what I mean. So if you know that you are going to want something then pay- ment in advance is a big help as long as you realize that a certain time lag will be inevitable.

V. NEW MATERIAL FOR TVia: In order to get caught up with the months I am going to try to get out one more issue after this one in 1970. Three issues close together has eaten up material at a great rate, so I solicit your continued contributions. Since nobody wants the magazine to be entirely fiction I hope you will contribute to the other